Enter dimensions in the blue fields to the right and click "calculate".
"wall offset" for wall area that is exclusive of the main portion of a
room. (Example: for a 5'-0" x 7'-6" closet add the closet depth twice
[5' + 5' = 10'] then enter '10' in the offset field). For a 5'-0" wide
hallway that is open on both ends (no walls) deduct for "no walls" by
entering '-10' in the offset field.
Try it with known quantities and view results.
Use this calculator to compute room area quantities.
Fields to the right recommend specific material quantities based on dimensions entered.
ea = each
lf = lineal feet
sf = square feet
pkg = package
oc = on center
dbl = double
sqyd = square yard
horz = horizontal
gal = gallon
ct = coat
cf = cubic feet qty = quantity
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